Volunteers: I Volunteer Because...
With busy lives and the strain of Covid, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering are many and varied. Volunteering at Family House offers vital help to people in need, but the benefits can be great for you, the volunteer. The right fit can help you to find friends, connect with the community, learn new skills, and even advance your career. Don’t let us try to convince you about the benefits of volunteering at Family House, instead, see what our volunteers are saying.
I volunteer at Family house because I want to be involved with an organization that truly provides comfort, hope, and love to those who are facing difficulties in life. –Tina Cunningham, Front Desk
I volunteer at Family House to honor the families that come through the doors each week- Anne Carry, Front Desk.
I volunteer at Family House because it is a non-profit that really speaks to my heart. It will be 13 years in April that I have volunteered at the front desk (among other positions) and I have made some remarkable friends along the way! Pat Blau, Front Desk
I volunteer at Family House because I learned a long, long time ago that when one volunteers, one gains more than one gives. It is a very gratifying experience. Candy Holtzman, Front Desk
I volunteer at Family House because I can have the satisfaction of doing something useful while enjoying the camaraderie of other volunteers and staff. Lynne Jacobs, Laundry Volunteer.
I volunteer in the laundry area as I believe that my contribution helps to make the world a better place. Anne Dobson, Laundry Volunteer
I volunteer at Family House with my dog who helps brighten the day for the patient.- Elaine Head, Pet Therapy
I volunteer at Family House because I love the work I am doing and always feel welcome and appreciated. To provide some comfort to the guests who are going through so much is a great gift to me. Donna Fehrenbach, Volunteer Baker
I volunteer because it helps remind me that being kind, showing empathy, and giving of ourselves without expectations of something in return is what we are here for. Tammi Lindsey, Front Desk
We volunteer because our whole family, from the smallest at 3 to the wisest at age 90, can help others from around our dining room table and remember that we are blessed—Trull Family, Welcome and Breakfast Bags
It is the little Joys given and received and being a part of something Positive and Hopeful that keeps me looking forward to my days on the Front Desk. Dianne Woodward, Front Desk
I volunteer at Family House because I have many things to be grateful for so if I can help make someone else’s day a little nicer/easier/brighter-- then it has been a good day! And I appreciate and enjoy the camaraderie of the volunteers, staff, and guests. Angie Hinchcliff, Front Desk
I volunteer at Family House in the kitchen because it makes me feel happy. It is my happy place! The guests and staff are gracious, knowledgeable, and value my help. Rosemary Pierce, Kitchen Support
I volunteer because giving to others in need is important, and my grandchildren have helped fold laundry on Tuesdays. Janice James, Laundry Support
I volunteer at Family House because it engages the best parts of me and allows me to continue contributing. It nourishes me and my soul. -Hazel Gibbs, Front Desk
If you are interested in making an impact at SECU Family House, please contact Mrs. Georgie Clemens, Manager of Volunteer Services at 919-932-8009 or georgie@secufamilyhouse.org and visit our webpage at https://www.secufamilyhouse.org/get-involved
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