Volunteer Spotlight: Nick Pacini

Volunteer Spotlight: Nick Pacini
A heart for the Chapel Hill community—
The heart of a SECU Family House Volunteer is unique. It reaches deep and finds ways to contribute in big and small ways not counting the cost or inconvenience. When we think of a volunteer with this kind of heart, we think of one of our younger volunteers, Nick Pacini.
Nick is originally from Albany, NY and is currently a 5th year student studying computer science at UNC-Chapel Hill. He’s hoping to go to Medical School once he’s completed his undergraduate work. In addition to school and volunteering at Family House, he’s been a photographer for the Daily Tar Heel and creates practice videos for the UNC Football Team.
When Nick is not busy with his many other interests, you can find him at Family House on Friday evenings and Saturdays helping in a variety of ways. From laundry, kitchen cleaning, coffee duty or even helping at the front desk, Nick is always up to something!
When asked why he wanted to volunteer at Family House, Nick says, “I really like the Chapel Hill area and wanted to give back. I went to your website read about what you do here and I’m pre-med and want to help with anything affiliated with the hospital”.
We are thankful for the big heart Nick brings to Family House during his summer. In fact, many of our volunteers are students on break for the summer and they contribute in many valuable ways.
If you know someone who is interested in volunteering at Family House, please direct them to Georgie Clemens, Manager of Volunteer Services, at 919-932-8009 for more information on how to help.
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