Guest Spotlight: The Maddux Family
Tens of thousands of our guests have traveled great distances to receive first-class medical care at UNC Hospitals here in Chapel Hill, NC. A public hospital that turns no one away, this world-class facility is truly a blessing to have in our own backyard.
Such is the case with recent guests Rebecca, Cody, and Lyra Maddux. Stationed in London, England where Cody worked as an instrument and flight control specialist for the US Air Force, Rebecca was referred to UNC's Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder Program after doctors keenly observed her dissociative behavior toward their daughter soon after giving birth. As this program has a high success rate and is the only one in the country that includes the spouse and baby during treatment, Rebecca, Cody and baby Lyra quickly packed their belongings and made the long journey to Chapel Hill.
Initially hospitalized for five weeks at UNC Hospitals, Cody and Lyra stayed at Family House and quickly adopted a new routine: visiting Rebecca, going to group therapy, then returning to our hospitality house for warm meals prepared by our many volunteer meal providers. One of the joys for the staff and volunteers during the family's stay was lending Cody a moment of rest while we rocked the incredibly sweet three-month old in our arms.
At the end of five weeks, Rebecca received out-patient care, going to/from UNC Hospitals each day, always with Cody and Lyra at her side. When they were discharged a few weeks later, like with many of our guests, we were already missing them. The Maddux family, like countless others who stay here, became part of our growing family.
Cody shares that staying at Family House and having to care for Lyra by himself while Rebecca was hospitalized was “better than being in my own home.” He tells us, “the shuttle service, being able to see Rebecca every day, not having to worry about gas and food, having people to talk to and support you have been a godsend.”
For Rebecca, it's the community of people at Family House, making new friends, hearing their stories and “getting support for my own story” that have meant the most to her. Cody adds that “seeing all the volunteers and all the people helping each other out is something you don’t see too often,” something his family will always remember of their time in Chapel Hill.
Upon release from UNC Hospitals, the Maddux family were stationed to their home state of Missouri where Cody can return to work and Rebecca can continue her recovery with family nearby for additional support. We wish these high school sweethearts all the very best as they begin this next chapter in their journey.
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