Guest Spotlight: Generosity Near & Far
Maureen Kimani traveled to Family House from her small village just outside of Nairobi, Kenya, with her mom Rachel for life-changing surgery, thanks to the generosity of communities across the globe.
Seventeen years ago when Maureen was just 3 years old, a fire broke out on the kitchen stove while she napped, leaving her with severe burns on her face and hands. As time passed, she was unable to completely close her eyes. The scars on her hands made it difficult for her to complete even the simplest of tasks.
This past spring, as the result of several fundraisers back in Kenya and the enormous generosity that is so emblematic of North Carolinians, Maureen and Rachel made the long journey to Chapel Hill and to our hospitality house. Soon after her arrival, Maureen underwent intricate plastic surgery on her face and hands. Thanks to the generosity of the F.I.N.N. Foundation (Filling International and National Needs), Dr. J. Charlie Finn of Finn Facial Plastics in Chapel Hill and Dr. Paul Schricker, a Raleigh-based orthopedic surgeon, successfully performed a mid-face facelift, tightened Maureen’s lower eyelids so she could finally close her eyes, removed old scar tissue, and separated her fingers. Dr. and Mrs. Finn's F.I.N.N. Foundation ensured the work was done at no cost to the family.
While Maureen was here, she and her mom were able to enjoy the comforts of Family House and its southern hospitality. They enjoyed being able to cook for themselves, attend the weekly entertainment (Maureen loves to sing), reading the many books available, and how comfortable our hospitality house is. They also appreciated that everyone is so friendly and encouraging here. Everyone wants to cheer you up, they said.
As they were leaving Family House for the next step in their journey back to Kenya, Maureen said that the one thing they were going to miss the most here was the regular “fellowship” of their new friends: Dr. Finn, his wife, Tamra, Dr. Schricker, the Family House therapy dogs, the countless house guests and volunteers and all the staff. We and the rest of our Chapel Hill community of friends wish them all the best!
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