Dewey's Bakery Holiday Shop a Success

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Volunteers with Carolyn FullerThanks to a village of volunteers and the leadership of Carolyn Fuller, SECU Family House Director of Annual Giving (left, in black), the Dewey’s Bakery Holiday Shop was a resounding success. Final sales totaled at almost $30,000, 35% of which benefiting the Family House Annual Fund to help cover the daily operating expenses for our 39,000 square foot home. We recorded 947 sales transactions; sold 1,102 Moravian Sugar Cakes; and received 297 volunteer hours from 76 volunteers who worked one or more shifts. What an astounding community accomplishment supporting our organizational mission!

A Dewey's Bakery Holiday Shop is a fun-filled opportunity that the Winston-Salem based company offers non-profits to augment their usual fundraising efforts. The shop, located in the Family House solarium, was open for just five weeks but drew hundreds of customers.

Carolyn shares, “we were pleased to have the opportunity to introduce Family House and our mission to many, many new folks in this area. Customers were constantly commenting on how beautiful the House is and asking questions about what we do each day. Certainly a win-win for everyone!” 

VolunteersWe’re grateful for the support of the community and the many good people - like the volunteers pictured here - involved in this special fundraiser. It would not have been possible without each and every one of you!


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