SECU Family House is a safe, nurturing, affordable home for patients and their loved ones who travel great distances to UNC Hospitals for life-saving procedures and serious illnesses.
We provide guests lodging, meals, supportive programs, transportation and a caring support network. We serve families from all 100 North Carolina counties and beyond, helping them rest, heal, and gather strength when they need it most.
Our History
Visionary community leaders, dedicated volunteers, and generous funders created SECU Family House at UNC Hospitals and have continued to support our mission.

October 2000
Dr. Mark Johnson, director of the UNC Hospitals Liver Transplant program, leads a fact-finding trip to Pittsburgh Family House

September 2001
UNC-Chapel Hill offers to lease a 6.2-acre site on Old Mason Farm Road

January-May 2002
Wachovia, RBC Centura, Dickson Foundation, and the Josh and Marie Reynolds Foundation offer major financial commitments to build Family House

May 2005
The State Employees' Credit Union Foundation of North Carolina offers $2 million challenge gift, naming the organization "SECU Family House"

January 2007
Official Groundbreaking

March 2008
Opening Day

September 2018
Groundbreaking to add 35 additional guest rooms

April 2021
Opening Day of Pine Wing, increasing our capacity to 75 total guest rooms

June 2021
SECU Family House at UNC Hospitals has served more than 26,000 families from all 100 North Carolina counties, 44 other states, and 7 foreign countries

September 2021
The first time Family House reached maximum capacity since the Pine Wing expansion
SECU Family House is a member of The Healthcare Hospitality Network, Inc. (HHN), a nationwide professional association of nearly 200 non-profit organizations that provide lodging and support services to patients receiving medical treatment far from their home communities. For more information on HHN, visit their website (www.lodging.hhnetwork.org) or contact them at 800.542.9730.