Updated COVID-19 Protocols

As always, our top priority is to keep our guests, volunteers, donors and staff safe. In light of our current reality, we have reviewed and updated our medical protocols and practices using recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), North Carolina State Department of Health and Human Services, and UNC Hospital Administration.

In our commitment to the health and protection of our community, we will continue to monitor guidance from the CDC and other state health agencies. We recognize that recommendations and guidelines are fluid we will change and commit to updating our programming and protocols accordingly.

All gala attendees, vendors and staff are required to show proof of full COVID-19 vaccination or if unvaccinated, please provide proof of a NEGATIVE PCR COVID-19 test conducted within 72 hours of the event.

This will be required for admittance into the Gala.

You may submit a copy of your vaccination card in advance by emailing a copy to jennifer@secufamilyhouse.org.  You may also bring a copy of your card or show a photocopy of your card on your phone at the event.

You may submit your negative PCR proof on Thursday, September 9th by emailing a copy to jennifer@secufamilyhouse.org or bring the proof of the negative test to the COVID check-in point at the Gala. Here is a link to local COVID-19 testing locations: https://www.orangecountync.gov/2451/Testing
NOTE: The swab for this test may not be done prior to 6:00 PM on Tuesday, September 7th.

Will be highly recommended when not actively eating or drinking.  Masks are required when indoors using the restrooms. Masks will be required on the dance floor.

Social Distancing:
Please make sure to maintain a safe social distance from others while still enjoying their company at the event.

Open Air:
We made the decision to take the Gala outdoors for this year earlier this summer, and now as we approach September, the Delta variant is dramatically increasing in numbers. The event will take place outdoors, under an open air tent with air circulation.  We also have distanced the tables in the open air “ballroom” to reflect a minimum of six feet between each table.

Other Questions?

For answers to any questions please contact us at amy@secufamilyhouse.org or 919-932-8001.

Please do your part to help us ensure the safety of all event attendees, Family House guests, volunteers and staff.  Please answer the following questions and if you experience any of the following symptoms in the 48 hours leading up to the Gala, please stay home. 

 Symptoms include:

  • fever or chills
  • cough
  • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • fatigue
  • muscle or body aches
  • headache
  • new loss of taste or smell
  • sore throat
  • congestion or runny nose
  • nausea or vomiting
  • diarrhea

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Are you isolating or quarantining because you tested positive for COVID-19 or are worried that you may be sick with COVID-19?
  • Have you been in close physical contact* in the last 14 days with:
    anyone who is known to have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19?
    anyone who has any symptoms consistent with COVID-19?

*Close physical contact is defined as being within 6 feet of an infected/symptomatic person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period starting from 48 hours before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic individuals, 48 hours prior to test specimen collection).


iPhone users:

  1. Open the Notes app.
  2. Create a new note and title it something like "Covid-19 Vaccine" so it's easy to find.
  3. Under your header, click the camera icon. A menu should pop up -- select "scan documents."
  4. Position your camera over the front of your vaccination card until it focuses and scans the image, then click the button in the center of the bottom of the screen to capture an image.
  5. Your iPhone should recognize the scanned document as your vaccination card. The note should save automatically.

Android users will need to download Google Drive. (iPhone users can also use the Google Drive app if they have it.)

  1. Open Google Drive.
  2. Tap the "add" symbol, then the "scan" symbol (it's the camera icon).
  3. Position your camera over your vaccination card until it focuses and scans the image.
  4. Save your document by tapping done (the checkmark icon).